Tool Name | Purpose/How Used | When Used |
Examiner Biography | Overview summary of your background to share with the team lead and your team. | Pre-work & IR |
Calendar | Provides teams a standard timeline for completing IR, HELP Week, and Site Visits. | IR & Consensus Week |
Key Factor Worksheet | Provides the team a working copy to build the key factors for the organization. | IR |
Results Tracking Matrix | Each examiner uses this during IR to capture and rank results in Cat 7. | IR, Consensus & Site Visit |
Results & Document Matrix | Each examiner uses this during IR to capture expected results and desired documents. | IR |
Key Theme Matrix | Provides the team a working copy to build the key themes for the organization. | Consensus Week & Site Visit |
Scorebook Tracker | Provides the team, coaches, and judges a reference and history of the scoring from HELP Week to Site Visit. | Consensus Week & Site Visit |
Consensus Script | Consensus script template. | Consensus Week |
Examiner Training Slides | ||
Expense Report | Return completed site visit expense reports to | Site Visit |
Examiner Quick Reference Guide | IR | |