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iPEX Conference

  • 5 May 2021
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • UnConference Virtual Event


  • Attend the conference AND have access to the session recordings for 90 days after the conference.
  • Special rate for K-12 school districts
  • Special Pricing for IQC & ILC Members.
  • Attend the conference AND have access to the session recordings for 90 days after the conference.

    Special Pricing for IQC & ILC Members.

Registration is closed

Join us online  for Iowa's ONLY conference dedicated to performance Excellence.  We have many  speakers, learning and networking session opportunities all from the comfort of ANYWHERE!!

Through an amazing technology we will be able to engage you AND have interactive networking with others and the ability to watch recorded content.  All of this in your browser or an app on your favorite phone or tablet.

Payment Policy

Payment must be received in full prior to the conference date. We reserve the right to refuse admission to the conference if payment has not been received. If registering for early-bird rates, your payment must be received by 4/20/2021.

Cancellation Policy

Transfer of Registration

If you register and are unable to attend, you may substitute another person in your place. You must provide the individual’s contact information prior to the conference date. This information must be provided for the individual to attend.


If you have a disability and need accommodation in order to attend this conference, please contact us as soon as possible.

Contact IQC at info@iowaqc.org or call 319.398.7101 with any questions.


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